Endless Paradigm

Full Version: y i hate esurance
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Pages: 1 2
take a look at these commercial and ull no y

Source: YouTube
Haha, nice.  Hey cor3! :)

D'oh, thing didn't embed...  Oh well, now it's fixed :)
Hey, that's a fun game. One of my favorites.
Liquid Wrote:Hey, that's a fun game. One of my favorites.


on a side note i hate how every day tv, it gets stupider and stupider, with stupider shows and stupider ads
^^ I agree with your side note.

To answer your '???,' Sparker did the "old thread revival" right after I did.
I hate when people are watching TV and are actually interesting in the products commercials are selling, or when people actually find stupid commercials funny.

I just wonder how stupid these people must be to
A. Find that funny
B. To actually want to buy those fake products
Actually advertising kinda discourages me buying their product.
So is this.


[Image: Necropost-kitten.jpg]
Pages: 1 2
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