Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Cave Story
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[Image: cave.gif]

if any of you have not yet played this game, i recommend it fully.
it's the best example of low-budget privately done excellence ever.


that is a fan page with links to download the game and the english patch.


that is pixel's homepage.

try it out! if you've played it already, share your impressions and whatnot!
Looks fun,
RPG right
more like 2D Metroid and Castlevania games. the so called Castleroid or Metroidvania genre.
ill try it later, ths was only on pc or mac.
I'll try it for two reasons:
#1 i like looking into old games (i like to play afterburner in my computer)
#2 because you asked nicely :he:
Hahaha, I'll try this sometime :P
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Hahaha, I'll try this sometime :P
it's honestly among my favorites. i hope you guys love it like i did!
I actually had a Cave Story avatar hidden somewhere on my random generator for a long time.

This is pretty fun!!!! :D

* ZiNgA BuRgA really likes.
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