Endless Paradigm

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Got bored Last night when I lost my ISP went on maintenance and I couldn't access the internet.

For all the Fight Club fans. Bigger version if  you ask for it.

[Image: itwt.jpg]

I'm still on the fence about whether or not it is recognizable that this is Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). Could you tell who it was?

Ps if you didn't watch Fight Club go see it. Your missing out.
[Image: tumblr_kydx6swJj31qza1zyo1_500.gif]
that gif is win

mustve watched it like 10 times O.O
I am Jack's penis.

Great job diego!! Madwin
Yeah that's badass, but yeah I really couldn't tell it was brad pitt.
I've watched that movie 100 times but I've never seen where that gif came from.
I know what part it comes out on though
I agree with Shady I couldn't recognize Brad Pitt. And cool GIF it's EPIC!!:madwin:It pleases me
Alright thanks, i may redo this to make him more recognizable.
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