20/03/2010, 11:44 AM
I seem to be in a mood for polls so... 
It also turns out that I've come to the point where I must choose between buying a car or a bike.
Now that is a no-decision for me since I am a Biker-to-the-heart. That and the fact that I don't really like the cars wee have here. As some know, I'd kill for an Evo, but its not available here and even if it was, even selling the Ti implants in my skull I couldn't even begin to afford it.
So yea.. I'm a Yamaha YZF series bike, so bikes are my choice.
You guys?
Oh and while its true that many like both (and more), choose one now.

It also turns out that I've come to the point where I must choose between buying a car or a bike.
Now that is a no-decision for me since I am a Biker-to-the-heart. That and the fact that I don't really like the cars wee have here. As some know, I'd kill for an Evo, but its not available here and even if it was, even selling the Ti implants in my skull I couldn't even begin to afford it.
So yea.. I'm a Yamaha YZF series bike, so bikes are my choice.
You guys?
Oh and while its true that many like both (and more), choose one now.