Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Really old sigs
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I want to use one of these throwback sigs but not sure which to use

the blue one is my first sig ever made with some crappy picture software, that came with an even crappier digital camera, the other is my 3rd sig and 1st for EP.

[Image: ajsig.jpg]

[Image: eps.png]

whatcha guys think, I'm ready for the bashings.
Use the EP one Ahaa
-hacks or EP.

Choose EP.
Use the second one.
The second one is especially corny. USE EET!
Maybe I should put on that moving sig I had at the start back...
Yo, you should use the second one, looks much better Madwin
Grr i can't stay logged in. Admins can you change it for me. Hope this works
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