Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Duck-hunt v0.2
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[Image: snap0004_qjgenth.jpg?758516]

PSP homebrew developers jojodu0010 and marc6310 have released v0.2 of their homebrew game Duck-hunt. Use the analog stick or the d-pad, whichever you prefer to aim and X to shoot - you get 35 points if you shoot the faster yellow bird, 20 points if you hit the red duck, 10 points for annihilating the blue duck, and -10 points if you shoot the black ducks.

changelog for Duck-hunt version 0.2:

    * graphic improvements
    * creating cheat codes now possible
    * added audio and analog stick controls
    * improved RAM management
    * you now have the option to aim using the analog stick or the d-pad
    * addition of game summary at the end of the game

Duck-hunt version 0.2
Don't remember that last time i played this on nes.
fun game though.
Don't remember what?
This was a game on the nes
i remember this game on nes. lol
I had the gun controller for it.
yes it was
ExBu didn't you play it? (with the gun)not the control
Yeah i had the gun controller too.
[Image: NES%20zappergun.jpg]
felt like a gangster with it. lol
yup that's the one.
mine still works!
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