Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How did you stumble upon the void?
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That RCO editor thingy.
I was PMing ZiNgA at -hacks about trying to translate a PSP ISO to English.
ZiNga graciously answered my n00b questions, and later told me about the web site.

Been hanging out at the void ever since...   Yay
I joined in April of '08, posted once, lol, then came back a few months later (forgot why lol) and realized it was so much better than -Hacks, and stayed. :D

actually, it was almost a year later that I started posting lol.
was at consolespot for themes, i think schmilk had a link here or something, liked the themes better here, and then i stayed.
Some time in the past in some email, zinga mentioned the existence of this site.  At that time there were like only some 5 members or something.  I joined some months after that.
i got a pm from zinga when i was on psp-haxorz. I think that was forum name i can't remember its been a while. The admin of that forum later joined also.
I found the void searching for PSP themes.  Heh, heh, heh...

Then again... I'm not the only one who found this site this way... Heh, heh, heh...
The void found me ... right around 3.30 OE
Incadude Wrote:i got a pm from zinga when i was on psp-haxorz. I think that was forum name i can't remember its been a while. The admin of that forum later joined also.

Zero known as Kuu on these forums was the admin there if I'm correct and he sold that site.
Actually came from Gamefaqs instead of-hax

When i left GFaqs because i wasn't happy with the way it was going, and remembered Zinga being a decent member there so when my friend split of to form his forums (which later died, after he gave a friend of his admin, and that guy gaves his friend admin and so on) i looked up Zinga as well, and joined here, and when his collapsed i relocated here permenantly
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