Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Gabelstaplerfahrer Klaus
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german forklift training video. its super funny and full of gore a little past halfway through. you won't regret it lol
Source: YouTube

saw it on aots
Funny (or ironic), because I believe a german company developed or published the fudge lift simulator 2009 game.
Holy spoon!! FudgeLifts are dangerous!! :o
that's fudgeing hilarious
Made me lol. The Germans it seems do have a sense of humor...
saw it on 8 Out of 10 Cats. Hilarious.
Lol :D Hahaha I didn't knew Germans had a sense of humor :) What a pleasant turn of events
Aah, I remember this. Saw it years ago, lol'd hard.
To this day, it retains a place in my videos folder, despite how superfulous it is.
Awesome considering I am doing a power point show for Toyota fudgelift on Monday in Orlando LOL
awesome i can't wait till i get home and hear the audio. My work pc sucks.  :P
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