Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ok don't bash me.. but.. who likes techno?
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I love it and personally I like hardstyle.. if you want to know what my favorite songs are, its the whole list at http://www.chigukom.com in the downloads section... check em out.. tell me what you think and tell me if you like techno all the same =D

well considering techno is about as vague as 'rock' I'm sure everyone likes a little bit of 'techno.' The music I write is some form of a sub-genre of techno.
I like it, but I'm not really a music enthusiast in general.
More into other types of electric music. Techno is not bad when it's done right though.
ok my favorite is listen to difference by DJ Spear.. go to that site and get it... its long but its good.. tell me what you guys think
Please be more specific. What techno? Do you refer to house or trance or psychedelic or goa or electronic? Your question is too vague.
I said I prefer hardstyle..
Yes, but that is again just your preference. What about others? You did not specify as to which genre of techno music would they prefer. Rock for example has Alternative, punk, blues,garage, progressive, christian, indie, psychedelic, grunge, hard etc.

Are you asking whether anyone like techno music in general (which would be hard to say they do since no one can like all type of music within one genre), or are you asking them to list out which sub-genre of techno do they prefer?
uhh well theres a lot of them so sure tell me what kind you like
Some techno I like. I prefer more of house or ambient though.
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