Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Green Day Rock Band
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lol, im just throwing this out there...

but, even on a real guitar, most green day songs are painstakingly easy to play. wouldnt they be so simple on guitar hero that it wouldnt be any fun anyway?
trademark91 Wrote:lol, im just throwing this out there...

but, even on a real guitar, most green day songs are painstakingly easy to play. wouldnt they be so simple on guitar hero that it wouldnt be any fun anyway?

yeah i was worrying about this

green day is really easy xD
Metallica is one of the most overrated bands of all time, and all three that you mentioned PB should've stopped making music in 1990.
ProperBritish Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:lol, im just throwing this out there...

but, even on a real guitar, most green day songs are painstakingly easy to play. wouldnt they be so simple on guitar hero that it wouldnt be any fun anyway?

yeah i was worrying about this

green day is really easy xD

Well... Lady Gaga managed to get DLC... :P

./xitherun.sh Wrote:Metallica is one of the most overrated bands of all time

........... lolz
CoCk Band Suckz Anywayz, Lurn To Plae A Reel Instrument, u lozers
This is getting into a heated debate :P

I love mass debates.....hehe
Funnybutrandom Wrote:CoCk Band Suckz Anywayz, Lurn To Plae A Reel Instrument, u lozers

i do play a real instrument
ProperBritish Wrote:
Funnybutrandom Wrote:CoCk Band Suckz Anywayz, Lurn To Plae A Reel Instrument, u lozers

i do play a real instrument

I play many.
i play one
ProperBritish Wrote:
Funnybutrandom Wrote:CoCk Band Suckz Anywayz, Lurn To Plae A Reel Instrument, u lozers

i do play a real instrument

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