Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Xmb Icon Manager by Total_Noob
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source: » http://www.pspgen.com/xmb-icon-manager-c...92874.html

What are the characteristics of plug-in?

    * Change the name of the icons of XMB
    * Change the functions of each icon
    * Upload files using an icon

[Image: xmb-icon-manager2_0901E0011000334937.png]

Source: YouTube

The possible functions (MOD)?

They are numerous and very useful, here without further delay.

    * shutdown (turn off the console)
    * suspend (pause)
    * reboot (restart the console)
    * game (how to start a homebrew)
    * updater (to launch updated)
    * pops (PSX games)
    * backup (Game ISO / CSO)
    * restartvsh (reboot of VSH especially for Hen or 5.03GEN)

How to change icons?
All icons are due either the icon or update the camera icon, attrobuez their function according to your wishes. You simply modify the file with notepad xmbim_config.txt.

Example: replace the icon "Update" (Network Update) by the "shutdown".

NETWORK_UPDATE = "shutdown"

Replacing the "Update" to launch an ISO. The "backup" in MODE indicates that it will launch an ISO. The link below is from ISO to launch.

NETWORK_UPDATE = "ISO resistance"
NETWORK_UPDATE_FILE = "ms0: / ISO / Resistance Retribution.iso"

Note also that it should not affect the USB connection USB icon to another function if you want to continue using the USB mode to connect the console to your computer if you need to disable the plugin via recovery menu or remove your Memory Stick from your console to get there
It doesn't seem useful for me considering what I do with my PSP except that the restart VSH seems useful though I haven't been playing many decrypted games recently so I might be going back to M33.
hehe - awesome !!!
Now I can add some functionality to the xmb.   Half of the features SONY put in the xmb are useless...  

Thanks for the heads up matchung    Madwin
I seen this yesterday, seems pretty cool but is a re-invention of red squirrels XMBEL plugin : http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=10449
Cool Plugin Yo!Madwin Although I personally won't find many uses for it. But, all in all a good plugin.:)
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:hehe - awesome !!!
Now I can add some functionality to the xmb.   Half of the features SONY put in the xmb are useless...  

Thanks for the heads up matchung    Madwin
First of all thanks TN Madwin

Now Mr. Shizzy i agree with you.
I will add a browser icon and it will run the filer.
Oh by the way it is the only plugin which you can use the skype icon in the 1000. Madwin
that's some cool spoon
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