Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I haz. . .
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Pages: 1 2
Assassinator Wrote:Should I start bitching about my internet again?

Nah, I think everyone's sick of that already.

You're the first one I thought about, actually xDD

Anyway ya,.,.,.,.,. good for you Mickey :D
boogschd Wrote:most of us went through a similar stage at some point in our lives :p
Yeh, don't think anyone had internet during most/all of the 1990's (unless your dad was a geek :P).
Assassinator Wrote:Should I start bitching about my internet again?

Nah, I think everyone's sick of that already.

At least you have a win PC, for the x264 test i was getting 11fps on run 1 pass 1 :/

boogschd Wrote:most of us went through a similar stage at some point in our lives :p

Madwin mickey!

and here i thought you just forgot about us
↑lookit what zinga did↑

I noticed all the win emoticons
by the way I got new glasses and I can read the (art) text now without copying and pasting Erk
I have no eyes...
they have burst from excessive exposure to internet...
Mickey Wrote:by the way I got new glasses and I can read the (art) text now without copying and pasting Erk

Pages: 1 2
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