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I have my psp 1000 fat running 5.50 GEN D3.. IRshell doesn't work as far as I know.. anyone else know anything? I want to use it again... is there like an update for d3? I know it works on slims now.. but ..
Well there Is
I just happened to download latest version of IRshell v.5
and I googled and found a patch for GEN so yeah....
In fact I am using IRshell right now....

EDIT: here is link to patch and latest version of IRShell
can be found at the IRshell website....
Click me!!!.....if you've got the courage to do it! «-Link

P.S It's working BUT  I am just starting to use IRshell so
I am not sure if all feaures and things work....
do you have a psp 100 fat running 5.50 GEN D3?
I have it on my PSP2000 Slim

EDIT: But you should download an earlier version of IRShell because
after checking.....IRShell v.5 is for Slim.
exactly.. for one that won't work on mine.. two your link doesn't work anyway lol
What? My mistake....Well since I want to help you out I kept searching...
Here is link for GEN Patch
IRShell 3.7
and also IRShell 3.7 which is for PSP Phat. Hope It helps friend
AH HA! it worked.. it took the latest IRshell.. and that patch and they work on GEN D3 sweet.. =D
well my computer is not wonting to unzip the pach so can someone unzip it for meSmokingg (ps i can un rar But not zip i hate this thing some times)Hiding_something
One of the reasons I went back to M33 was because the multitask function of IR Shell is not working in GEN cfw...      :/

Multitasking comes in handy on many occasions.
One time, I played an ISO while simultaneously switching back and forth to Bookr to read a PDF strategy guide.   On another occasion,  used the multitasking function to do lua scripting on a project, and was simultaneously using a homebrew coordinate finder to help ensure the accuracy of my script.

By the way- you must have a PSP SLIM in order to multitask on IR Shell   ;)
Also, if you do have a SLIM, multitasking only works on M33 cfw.  (It will not work on GEN...)
Well thanks for clearing that up Shizzy :) I later on uninstalled IRshell. Although I only went through all that
hoping to be able to play music while playing games. Luckily after more intense google searching, found another
plugin to use. And all is going well Madwin
GOOGLE:Don't you just love it?
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