Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Location transfer. aka i moved.
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so those of you who paid any attention to the post the pictures of your room thread.


you know i posted pictures of a empty space. ha ha ha... no that's the room i do live in now.

Spoiler for old images:
[Image: IMAG0021.jpg]
[Image: IMAG0020.jpg]
[Image: IMAG0019.jpg]
Spoiler for Newer setup:
[Image: DSC00031.jpg]
[Image: DSC00032.jpg]
[Image: DSC00033.jpg]
[Image: DSC00034.jpg]
oh and the display case population increased since
[Image: DSC00035.jpg]

its a nice large space with alot of lighting and networking wall panels. etc. however this space is kind of empty for wall deco. i know i have a FF13 poster (from EBgames) on the wall and somebody's art just below it. Long since however, i manged to grab 3 wall scrolls... however the 3rd one cannot be seen since its on a wall i didnt picture

all it needs a couch like object for the TV. i don't really like sitting on a bed to watch TV and that chair just sucks. and then it broke... so i ha to get a new thing to sit on...

in other such news. i tricked all of you or at least all those people who posted that i was 20 in the birthday thread.

it also seems that Alice in wonderland is dying down fast after the weekend, i still want to see that one at least since i pulled a character lookalike in a game i play alot.

anyways I'm done here for now.
awesome room :P
need moar posta though.
Cool room.

Who's the figure that's right next to Saber? Looks like shes from VP2. I think. :P
no shes from... Queen's Blade. somebody gave me that one.
Sweet room. Lots of space Woo
Wow... even my room is decidedly empty on the walls.... I don't like much lighting so it doesn't matter to me!
My walls aren't that empty, these could be because.

The room is small
The window takes up one wall
The closet takes up another
some postage added. i might photo some later.

but yeah i should add more posters and such.
i have edited the first post with newer images. I'm still a little behind on terms of getting somethings to cover the walls
I like the room setup. Looks pretty roomy too, nice glass case for the figures :D
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