Endless Paradigm

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Hi people! For anyone with an iphone or ipod touch...

Our latest game, GeoSnake, was released some weeks ago!

YouTube: video

YouTube: video

More info on our site: http://www.didev-studios.com/

An electrifying journey in search of delicious yellow orbs.

Welcome to the neon world of GeoSnake, a beautifully evolved successor to the classic mobile snake game.

Experience the retro snake gameplay in Survival Mode where you collect food orbs and maneuver the snake to avoid collisions.

The all new Arcade Mode has you racing to complete a level in the shortest time, collecting the food orbs and avoiding the mine orbs as you go.

Compete against other players globally to achieve the highest score and the fastest time.

- 32 Arcade Mode levels with many more to come
- Classic Survival Mode
- Stunning procedurally rendered scenes
- Full OpenFeint integration
- Unlockable achievements
- Global leaderboards
- Grid physics
- Network save card (never lose your progress again)
- Tilt or touch controls
- Listen to your iPod music while playing
- More retro gaming action than you can handle!

Wee're interested in hearing any feedback or suggestions.



I will also post some other stuff wee are working on right now:

A new puzzle game with chainreaction gameplay. Here is some learly screenshots:
[Image: akwTHBymD.png]
[Image: ChKXLKWLi.png]

And a new original puzzle/adventure concept. Some concept pics:
[Image: OFMUdhAyj.png]
[Image: CdAAXsNnJ.png]

Did you draw that guy? lol pretty neat. Nosebleed

Anyhoo great job! Madwin
Lunar Wrote:madsoulHi

Did you draw that guy? lol pretty neat. Nosebleed

Anyhoo great job! Madwin

Yeah! I make music and graphics for us. Here is my deviantart page by the way. Mainly old stuff there heh.  http://madsoulart.deviantart.com/
loving the music, it fits very nicely.
Cool game madsoul

Great work
thanks alot guys! :D Now... try to go beat my highscore in survival in GeoSnake! ;D
It's been awhile since you've been here eh, madsoul.

Unfortunately I don't have either devices but from the screen shots it looks nice.
img going to buy it :D lemme get my iphone
I hope its in the EU store :D
by the way how did you recorded this so smooth?
madsoul Wrote:thanks alot guys! :D Now... try to go beat my highscore in survival in GeoSnake! ;D

impossible because im sure you have dev only cheat codes :P

hehehehe...looks fabulous though!!  Glad to see you sharing what you have been up to :)
nice to see you are still around :D I'm still using your organ theme on my iphone (also added some mumbo jumbo from my side like i did with the organ concept for psp)
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