Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [3D] Some different cel-shaded stuff
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ok, a contest elsewhere has ended, so I can now post these :)

[Image: Konnichiwa_by_CyonixGFX.png]

The requirement for this contest was to use the ninja doll; this one took 2nd place :D

This is actually the FIRST cel-shaded render I made, but contest rules kept me from posting it until now.

Greetings from Mr. Cutman
[Image: Greetings_from_Mr__Cutman_by_CyonixGFX.png]

I wanted to do something different with the required item (the ninja doll seen in the previous image) while still keeping it cel-shaded. So, needing some inspiration, I pulled out my PSP and just started playing. While playing MegaMan Powered Up, I came across Cutman and found the idea I was looking for.

Anyways, I created the Cutman texture myself using MegaMan Powered Up as a reference, each ear was created from primitive objects (a torus with a flattened cylinder in the middle), while the CutBlade atop his head is something I quickly modeled with a program called Hexagon (first thing I've ever modeled, too)
I ♥ this ninja !
is it possible to get a 1680x1050 version of it?
i want this as my wallpaper so bad

and by the way what program are you using?
Heh, cutman looks funny.
I can see why the ninja doll came in second place because that picture is a-maze-zing.
[ReeD Wrote:]
I ♥ this ninja !
is it possible to get a 1680x1050 version of it?
i want this as my wallpaper so bad

and by the way what program are you using?

lemme see what I can do for ya :)

the program's called DAZ Studio, I know I've mentioned it before (like almost every time I post something 3D :P )
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