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Full Version: [PHOTOS] 1st philippine international pyromusical competition
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[Image: DSC-6113.JPG?et=46nAJmI%2BVu8Bn8dg3iiNEQ...=322049206]

quiet before the storm

[Image: DSC-6118.JPG?et=5M3ZWs6vtSAUqaSlP8uz2g&a...=322049206]


[Image: DSC-6133.JPG?et=89%2BOTag9jP71RAElvQ1JOQ...=322049206]

[Image: DSC-6238.JPG?et=9MSf6eFQWJ1Ae16fKQSRow&a...=322049206]

[Image: DSC-6286.JPG?et=xdkledmL9Ce7A6%2BaXewUnA...=322049206]

[Image: DSC-6277.JPG?et=z0VF3NBn2SlylUzizT0lrA&a...=322049206]

[Image: DSC-6378.JPG?et=V0gfibfPH9ELkSEEYzLwTA&a...=322049206]

thanks for looking Hi
Awesome photos!

Love the lighting effect it has on the sea, looks great.. reds especially.

Also, Pyromusical? Were they going off at a rhythmic pace?
Senseito7 Wrote:Also, Pyromusical? Were they going off at a rhythmic pace?

oh yeah! :D

twas quite fun really...
shockwaves were intense when the uk had their finale

might go again tomorrow night.. 2nd to the last day D:
Wow, looks like it was a lot of fun!!!
Adore pretty colors

Great photo's, the last one made the lake look liek red molting lava or something. @_@

Really great job I liek em all! Madwin
thanks guys Yay
Lunar Wrote:Really great job I liek em all! Madwin

heres the full set : http://bogskiii.multiply.com/photos/albu...ompetition
wow nice, when it did happen? is it in the fort site again? or is it in moa? i might go there later, lol
I always think of eating popcorn when I see fire works (*¬*)
Kchan Wrote:I always think of eating popcorn when I see fire works (*¬*)

that's weird . but i leik popcorn Adore

krystabegnalie Wrote:wow nice, when it did happen? is it in the fort site again? or is it in moa? i might go there later, lol

fort site got cancelled last november..
this was in moa
yeah todays competitors are malaysia and singapore
have fun :D
(me and my friends got cancelled :sad: )
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