Endless Paradigm

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What happened to you all's childhood's dreams?
i wasn't a dreamer. I'm not right now either. but i do have a few dreams that i wanted to come true.

- ever since i was 8, I've always wanted a long fringe that cover one of my eyes. (an eye patch is too much to ask i suppose), i don't know, one eye was always cool in my book. > this one is easy. had it before, but parent forced me to cut it off. growing it back right now though. i was sooo happy when i realized i could do that.

- around that time, i also wanted wings, be able to shoot beams outta my fingers. this gave me a few habits: staring at the sky randomly, as if i try to find something, i don't know, anything; and make a gun outta my hand and BAM BAM BAM. the 2nd habit became even more addictive after i played Persona 3 FES.

- then when i finished primary school, i wanted more friends. now, don't laugh at me. my parents was the overprotective kind. I'm not allowed to go outside after school, hanging out with friends is a hassle, and hardly have anything to invite friends over, the only thing wee had at that time for my entertainment was the TV with cartoon network. > well, i suppose i do have friends now, but then i just left NZ and left behind 5 years worth of friends. damn, i gonna miss em.

i probably had some more back then, like a power ranger's zoids model collection, a stamps collection i wanted to build up (stopped collecting after 5 stamps. lol), and alot more childish dreams as i supposed to, but they never was something i really want. hence i don't remember em.

when i became a gamer, then a meatstick who watches anime, read manga like all the other cool kids ( or nerd, depends on how you word it) they heavily influenced me.
like how i want to be a hero, any kind of hero (which is hopefully my family's if i ever gonna have one). also want this and also want that. most of em are very childish and fantasy-ish, like a pair of wings, some kind of supernatural power.

well, recently i thought i should put an end to those dreams. but i decided not to. i'd rather have em on hold (like till forever) and set some realistic dreams up for myself.

so right now i have like nothing at all.
has the busy life made people forgot about dreams? forgot about all the things you really wanted to do?

i don't know the answer, but someday, I'll have some kind of dream i can and will achieve.

so, those are mine. how 'bout yours?
Now that you mentioned it... I never really aspired to anything at all ever.

So much for enthusiasm.
My childhood was far too long ago to remember :(
SchmilK Wrote:My childhood was far too long ago to remember :(

and when you meet a childhood friend, all those memories suddenly came back and give you the nostalgia.

life is not bad now, but i want to live those old days again, where you don't have to worry about anything but have some innocent fun. =/
Lol, old people. =P
I dream I could fly until I was 9
now I can only hope I have that perfect dream again (-_-)
when i was 6 years old i had a dream where i was in the toilet having a piss but it turned out i was in my bed
since i was a kid, i hated my father, till now (lol i sound like the Joker)
he is the perfect example of a worst person/father, drinking, lots of women, gambling, fooling people that they distrust him, etc. (all negative traits of a human). he still alive, i can contact him if ever i want, but he is long dead in my life.

my only dream/goal in life is to be everything he is not. to be his total opposite, to be never like him and I'll be happy for the rest of my life.
I want to make androids :3
Tetris999 Wrote:I want to make androids :3

me too I could build myself the perfect lover that could understand my feelings
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