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Hellgiver Wrote:... would you be able to play FFXI like the rest? It is all online I thought

Demix. Wrote:Starting at One and ending at 13 (Excluding XI)
X-2 was pretty much the not-online substitute for XI, wasn't it?
Man.. I want to play Final Fantasies again... but got other games to finish till FFXIII comes!
Silvertie Wrote:X-2 was pretty much the not-online substitute for XI, wasn't it?

X-2 'continues' Yuna's story while XI is an online game where you get to create your own character such and such. Think something like World of Warcraft.

XII is the one where the formula for XI is reused and modified I think, while having a set story line and character. I don't know much about XI and XII anyway.
aspheric Wrote:
Hellgiver Wrote:... would you be able to play FFXI like the rest? It is all online I thought

Demix. Wrote:Starting at One and ending at 13 (Excluding XI)

Didn't see that. Still sounds cool. Wish I had the time :<
Sparker Wrote:Fuck you and the PSP version of FF!

Well, only kidding about the part about fuck you but not about the PSP version of FF.

IMO, I think these are the versions you should play.

Why not the PSP version?  Wouldn't it at least have much superior graphics?

Only played the start of the NES version a long long time ago.  Meh, I'm probably never going to go back and play through FF1, so I don' really care too much either way.  I'd rather waste my time playing an RPG that does actually have a story line.
Assassinator Wrote:Why not the PSP version?

Because the PSP and GBA versions of FF are nothing like the original NES in terms of game mechanics while the PS1 is though, there's options to change it in the PS1 version.
Assassinator Wrote:Wouldn't it at least have much superior graphics?
Also graphics don't make a game good. In this day and age games seem to in fact concentrate on graphics more then game play and as a result they suck.

Good graphics does not equal a good game overall.
Sparker Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Wouldn't it at least have much superior graphics?
Also graphics don't make a game good. In this day and age games seem to in fact concentrate on graphics more then game play and as a result they suck.

Good graphics does not equal a good game overall.

I never said better graphics = better game.  But if you have the option of having better graphics, you would prefer that would you not?
Assassinator Wrote:But if you have the option of having better graphics, you would prefer that would you not?

If the updated graphics doesn't tamper with the original game play (or improves it) then I would but if the updated graphics version breaks the original version's game play for the worse then NO.

Also 8-bit and 16-bit in 320 * 240 resolution looks fine to me, modern gamers should stop complaining about "these graphics are suck and it needz more big tits and explosions."

Seriously, it's people like these that are changing the video game industry's target audience and leaving me and others who are like me in a flood of what I would call, poo poo games.
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