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So a few buddies and I are planning to do a Final Fantasy Marathon. Starting at One and ending at 13 (Excluding XI) or going for a period of 72 hours with a few of us working on different games at once. Discussing a charity to do this for at the moment. Hoping to do this around mid June.
If you can manage to do that with your friends within 72 hours wouldn't that be a world record?

also... charity?
aspheric Wrote:If you can manage to do that with your friends within 72 hours wouldn't that be a world record?

also... charity?

would be 72 hours of multiple of us on diff games. For example i know 1,2,5,6 better than them so i would hit some of those. It would either be a week long thing and do in ascending order or as many in 72 hours. As for charity, set up donations to a local hospital or group.
That's pretty cool. I'm in the middle of beating all the FFs myself as I played them but never beated them back in my childhood days.
As some of you may already know, I like Final Fantasy and my favorite is Final Fantasy. (As in Final Fantasy 1 because it actually is just called Final Fantasy.)

You will be playing the NES version of FFI, right!?
Sparker Wrote:You will be playing the NES version of FFI, right!?

Got to decide that still. I have the PSP version and would saved time ( less of a grinding game on psp), is more visual (keep me awake with pretty colors), easier format to show. I forgot to mention, the entire thing will be streamed through input and webcams of us playing.
Demix. Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:You will be playing the NES version of FFI, right!?

Got to decide that still. I have the PSP version and would saved time ( less of a grinding game on psp), is more visual (keep me awake with pretty colors), easier format to show. I forgot to mention, the entire thing will be streamed through input and webcams of us playing.

true. i just found my grandfather's NES a few months back. Got an original zelda with working battery. Mint condition.
I still got to say Duck hunt was the best NES game that and that criminal shooter one.
Fuck you and the PSP version of FF!

Well, only kidding about the part about fuck you but not about the PSP version of FF.

IMO, I think these are the versions you should play.

FF (NES, if you want visuals, play the PS1 version and turn of the revive in battle, dashing and auto target settings and it'll be like playing the NES version only the fiends have more HP, NES has the bonus of fast forward if you're emulating)
FFII (NES, though I don't care if you play the GBA or PSP versions as FFII's grinding really is that annoying, GBA > PSP because you can fast forward if you're emulating the GBA)
FFIV (Original Japanese SNES, there is a fan translation patch for it)

as for every other FF after those four, it doesn't matter what version you play.
... would you be able to play FFXI like the rest? It is all online I thought
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