Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Custom Firmware Madcow
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Jesus Christ Wrote:* Jesus Christ changes tea into wine, and passes it along.

* Hellgiver drinks some wine and passes it along...
* Joom sees the mentioning of a scat fetish.

Jesus Christ Wrote:* Jesus Christ changes tea into wine, and passes it along.

Well played sir.
Yay! Mad Cow Disease!
Jesus Christ Wrote:* Jesus Christ changes tea into wine, and passes it along.

* feinicks invokes random laws from random countries..

I'll need to see the license for making alcohol and the permission to convert tea to wine.

Do so immediately or you will be held in contempt for breaking the Laws.
these firmwares are nothing dosnt look like the real deal
Jesus Christ Wrote:* Jesus Christ changes tea into wine, and passes it along.

Jesus Christ? . . .

Call me. ;)
Jesus Christ Wrote:* Jesus Christ changes tea into wine, and passes it along.

* Sparker crucifies Jesus

Quite a development since I left...
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