Endless Paradigm

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well after getting my 360 for chrismas i booted it up today to watch a movie on it,
played fine for... 3minutes

then froze,

figured: "oh, mby the disk is dirty ill turn it off take it out and clean it"

opend the tray and cleaned the disk after i turend the box off.

turned it back on...

i was like Dotdotdot

unplueged it, pluged it back in and rebooted,
got the shiny thingy with the swoliing green x
then froze,Erk

so i removed the hd, and rebooted.

black screen and one light E-79 error


"the e 79 error is a hardrive error try removeing your hd and playing normaly"
...there was no hd in it...

wainted 20-ish, minutes

rebooted, started up fine, cleared my 360 cache 2x and deleted all my music. then clear cache again for good measue, then powerd down xbox rebooted put back in movie hit play wached another 30 seconds of it and... freeze.


im not even going to bother rebooting, unless somone tells me too...

is it overheating or somethign? i have the dam thing sitting on my windowsill with the window open,(theres snow outside)

its an xbox bought from ebay, did i get fudgeed, after playing it and transfering my profile from my freinds xbox to mine with my 10g gs and all my pain in the donkey achivments to get (serious 2.0, zombie genocidist, still somehtign to prove)

If please tell me im not fked and don't lie... If
great... and after i post this my computer shuts off and reboots...

today is not my day...
leave it for a while, like one or two days or so.
and bam.
it might be xclamp fixed after dying once already

it only delays the fail
that's what you get for not buying a ps3

If you got it for axe mass then you can send it back for repairs.
I fixed a 360 with same problem just yesterday.  You need to apply new Thermal paste (Heat sink, $10 at my local PC shop) to the CPU and GPU, then over heat the 360 then tada! it works.

Pretty sad the the biggest computer company in the world's consoles red ring so easily.  That's the main reason I have never, and will never own a 360.
YoYoBallz Wrote:I fixed a 360 with same problem just yesterday.  You need to apply new Thermal paste (Heat sink, $10 at my local PC shop) to the CPU and GPU, then over heat the 360 then tada! it works.

Pretty sad the the biggest computer company in the world's consoles red ring so easily.  That's the main reason I have never, and will never own a 360.
that's more a temporary fix for a problem that is going to strike again

YoYoBallz Wrote:Pretty sad the the biggest computer company in the world's consoles red ring so easily.  That's the main reason I have never, and will never own a 360.

i would say they're more a software company
^Well you could send the console to M$ and have them apply the same fix and charge you like $150 for it.  (Indeed has happened)
or you'll get lucky and they will send you a new console.   GameStop also does the same fix on pre owned consoles (And the E74 error fix)

And yeah. they are more of a software company FBR.  you knew what i meant.  thanks for pwnin me though :P
Sadist damnit@!... well here are my options,

1.an hero.
2.ms send it, will they fk my hd? i don't wana loose anyhting
3.open it and repair (do not want)
4. put it on a plastic bag and set it in the snow
5. throw it agenst wall (iv seen it work)
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