Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release]Naruto Shippuden Accel 3  5.50GEN
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I've been working on this theme for 8 weeks now Dead l don't know why making themes is so addictive Fever. Thank's to Schmilk Mr.shizzy ZingaBurga and Gsmoke's troubleshooting for making lite icons I found a way to make icon's with a low resource and that's what made me start this theme l wanted to give up on it but since l started it l wanted to finish it this time If and l did I've tried to edit everything I could from the little usb icon to player's and osk and use every resource to the fullest. Hope you like this theme and hope it was worth spending so much time.Nanana
[Image: image7a734b86479d.jpg][Image: image38de4b864869.jpg]
[Image: image747e4b864d4b.jpg]
7 character slide-show(like the K-ON and my FFdissida but 7 big icons )
8 diffrent infobars
custom font
photo,music and video browser with big icons
Different customized Photo,music and video player
custom sounds
Fully animated usb screen
custom opening
custom osk
and much more
also 9 backgrounds from the game are included
Special thanks to:
Dark alex,Team GEN
Zinga Burga,Vegetano,Highboy,Patpat,Red squirrel,Takashi,Anger
Schmilk,Gsmoke,Woobie,Pusupu,Mr. Shizzy
and anybody else l missed
oh and well I think I must thank all the creator's off the game for the icon's
I've put a full list off the programs and theme's I used in the system about slideshow
Tell me if you find any problem's
Please donate me if you like this


Got to try this latter! (Doing homework... can't re-a-ch psp)

those images are HUGE!

bloodAangel619 Wrote:I've put a full list off the programs and theme's I used in the system about slideshow
I'll be sure to take a look at that^^
nice work man, thanks 4 the share, luv the infobar in the sub menu
awsome theme! :)

the main infobar and the game infobar is white block,. but maybe this is because i have alot of plugins-loaded,. ;p

Great theme! liek the OSK buttons! and the main icons scrolling! also the music controls Madwin
YEs it is indeed a good theme , i saw you credited me , yay thanks for that.I fixed a Lil bit the images for you.
Thanks for posting , sadly im on 500 unless i would try it.
Looks fantastic!    Madwin

My friend's son is going to love this.
Good work   Yay
Looks nice, Downloading now to try it out Madwin
due it looks great, nice work
5.00 please..(no kiddin)

Yey!! Another Naruto theme....My bro will really love it. I'll use it on my seconday psp!!
Very Thanks.....
I need TV icon.
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