Endless Paradigm

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check it out, and lemme know what you think so far. The ending is abrupt, but it's not done yet, I'm going to continue it after that. :)

Also, I need names. Think of awesome ones!


Yamaha C7 Grand Piano
Fender Jazz Bass (hehe PB will like this. ;D)
Pads from Reason
Kick drum sample from http://freesound.org

All sequencing done in Ableton Live.

pleeeeeeeaseee let me know what you think! :D
will check tomorrow!!

must sleep! Moon

Sleep is for squares!

I heard it this morning, i think it gave me good luck. Good job. =)
Shameless Advert Detected.

* Syfe whacks Xither with a rolled up newspaper.

will let you know in a bit.
Syfe Wrote:Shameless Advert Detected.

But is't that part of the song>?

o yeah and GOODMORNING!!!

and yes this song def gives luck! i made a cup of microwaves coffeess without burning it just now :)
lol yay! :D
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