Endless Paradigm

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My hands always get cold when I use the computer but now there is a solution ^(*3*)^
I use a laptop and it generates alot of heat on the left side/keyboard and mouse...

underneath it is colder than the room though...
my laptop burns with the heat of a thousand suns
It's only a mouse pad cover, so won't help that other hand on the keyboard...
its always friggin 30+ degrees up here in Napier, so its always to freaking hot to get cold. so hard to concentrate of home work too, so ill muck around on ep
i use my hot rod to warm my hand up.
ProperBritish Wrote:my laptop burns with the heat of a thousand suns


The last ASUS one I used did... left the skin beneath in PAAAAAAAAAAIN......
I thought it was only my laptop that turned into a solar flare XD
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's only a mouse pad cover, so won't help that other hand on the keyboard...

the other hand goes in the pants.
Incadude Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's only a mouse pad cover, so won't help that other hand on the keyboard...

the other hand goes in the pants.

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