Spoiler for rant I wrote a long time ago, that you don't want to read:
I clearly paid a damn fair bit for this thing, yet I'm forced to watch through a 30 second spiel about not pirating it, every single time I want to watch the DVD. It's just so unfortunate they can't get this message to the actual pirates though, only legit buyers see these things (scare campaign to stop legit users going into piracy?)...
Add to the above that stupid "would you 'borrow' a car?" ad (and to answer it, no, because I can't drive - makes stealing a car that much more difficult)
Disc is filled with CSS encryption, region locking, macrovision or whatever other protection schemes there are out there just to make it that much more annoying to whever buys the thing. Since when did these stop piracy?
Haven't seen this with DVDs, but the potential for something like the Sony BMG scandal may be lurking around... I guess pirated material may contain viruses too, but these are probably more evident than a hidden application which autostarts when you stick the DVD in the drive, also as you probably scrutinise the downloaded a bit more than a purchased DVD.
Discs are more difficult to back up, not just due to protection schemes, but also due to size. I guess this can partially be blamed for the fact that DVD uses MPEG-2, but a downloaded 700MB movie is somewhat easier and less costly to backup than a typical 4-8GB DVD.
On a similar note, if you want to stick your movies on that big 1TB HDD you bought, a number of DVDs will add up, chewing up more space, unless you take further effort to transcode it, which brings us to...
More difficult to transcode; for those downloaded AVIs, to put it on a portable player, most programs will just let you convert the thing straight off. DVDs are often a bit more complex, especially if you want to split stuff up by episode, for example.
Requires a DVD drive - although most computers have optical drives these days, systems like netbooks don't, and with the increased usage of the internet, and larger HDDs, it's probably only a while before the optical drive starts losing some popularity
DVDs here (Australia) aren't that bad, in terms of unskippable ads (all the ads here generally skippable, if there are ads at all).
What IS bad, extremely bad, is that sometimes (not that often with movie DVDs, nearly 100% of the time with anime DVDs) they use completely retarded NTSC » PAL conversions that make the whole thing blended and unsmooth everywhere. So...
Pirate » Clean video (assuming you downloaded off a good source/group).
Buy DVD » fucked up blend conversion that is irreversible.
DVD's are history anyway,.. i can't say the blu-ray's are as enoying as dvd's with intro's/warning's and other useless info,.. atleast the few blu-ray movies i got anyway,.
i prob nevar buy any dvd anymore,. i want my soda and popcorn during the main movie!
i was going to join the discussion, but seeing as assassinator's already here, i might as well put a stupid and long comment without any relation to the topic, even though i really wanted to blah about something to prove my intelligence and my awesomeness, as well as increasing my penis size along with my post count. oh, and don't forget about the epig, i need as much as i can so i can buy some bacon to feed my e-family(aka tamagotchi). so here i am. typing this stupid and long message to waste your time while improving all of my stats (post count, epig and awesomeness included) it's a quadruple fecking win situation, right?
ps:i don't buy dvds nor bluray, nor any kind of motion pictures (except the BRS bluray i preordered a while ago)
Heartless141 Wrote:i was going to join the discussion, but seeing as assassinator's already here, i might as well put a stupid and long comment without any relation to the topic, even though i really wanted to blah about something to prove my intelligence and my awesomeness, as well as increasing my penis size along with my post count. oh, and don't forget about the epig, i need as much as i can so i can buy some bacon to feed my e-family(aka tamagotchi). so here i am. typing this stupid and long message to waste your time while improving all of my stats (post count, epig and awesomeness included) it's a quadruple fecking win situation, right?
ps:i don't buy dvds nor bluray, nor any kind of motion pictures (except the BRS bluray i preordered a while ago)
whot the fudge are you about>? dude you r off-off-off-topic,..
I've pretty much stopped buying DVDs all together in favour of BluRays..... I don't really care if they are much different as Anime DVDs are actually quite good. Usually trailers are in the special features and those stupid "Would you 'borrow' a..." ads aren't there. just a single copyright notice.
I would say though "Welcome to the NHK Complete Box Set" had trailers at the beginning.. skippable though [DUBS AAAAAAH!!]
Heartless141 Wrote:i was going to join the discussion, but seeing as assassinator's already here, i might as well put a stupid and long comment without any relation to the topic, even though i really wanted to blah about something to prove my intelligence and my awesomeness, as well as increasing my penis size along with my post count. oh, and don't forget about the epig, i need as much as i can so i can buy some bacon to feed my e-family(aka tamagotchi). so here i am. typing this stupid and long message to waste your time while improving all of my stats (post count, epig and awesomeness included) it's a quadruple fecking win situation, right?
Did I call you Hearty-chan one too many times?
11:30. Too late to start a pointless flame war. Maybe tomorrow.
fine then, ontopic:
i see absolutely no positive out come outta buying a DVD apart from supporting the developer. zen zen none.
if it scratched, you are basically screwed. and taking care of the case, dusting, arranging em.
too much work.
while wee have auto arranging on computer. mass renamer and everything. :P and yeah, the stuffs above too.