Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Request] Can someone render these for me?^^'
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Yeah well I tried to render them myself first as always but I plain suck at rendering Sadist
I would greatly appreciate if someone could render these for me as I need them for a few sigs Yay

Thanks in advance! (I know it's much but I'm really unable to do it myself properly If )





If noone wants to do this for ya then I'll do one for ya! Inluv

I'll even do my besties for my bestie! Yay
ill vector one if you want skyy

do you want the background as well or just the character

if so, i call the 3rd one
just the chara, no need for a vector, a simple render would be enough^^
I'm being lazy with this skyy forgive mee!! NananaBlingeye
ill take the last one if no one has done it.
sky could have told me by msn would be done in an hour

but don't have photoshop atm so can do nothing
It wasn't the last one, getting rusty with photoshop O_o hair looks weird, ill fix it later if you don't like it lol
[Image: 2rz54df.png]
Thanks you soo much ExBu it looks fine for me^^
And I forgive you Lunar^^

Also Squee, I originally wanted to ask you but I asked you so often already so I thought it would bother you.... >_<
[Image: sor7zn.jpg]
I would do this but uhmmm >.> yeah... outta all the graphics cards mine just has to be one of the two that don't work with photoshop >.>

also uhmm.... yeah there's no pic... >.>... I couldn't do it well with my laptop mouse...
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