Endless Paradigm

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this doesn't seem like much of a endurance test.

* Syfe will search for it and beat you all.

* Syfe smacks self


* Syfe kicks self


* Syfe stabs self


ok I'm good to go.
lol, i can't even start watching the video XD

I'm so innocent :3
I'll watch it in a couple weeks time :P
ProperBritish Wrote:How well can you do?

The task is simple.

How much of Isshoni Sleeping: Sleeping With Hinako can you watch before you ive up and/or skip the video forward?

Ill be back with my result shortly. The video is 46 minutes long.

And i lasted:

ProperBritish - 46 minutes

How could've you watched for 46 minutes when the sub I got was only 45:55?
Wee have the same one right?

Also I paused at 8:05 due to my dad coming home so I don't want to risk continuing to watch it until he's asleep.
ok it was 45:55 but that's as near as damn it xD
Well, the problem with the fansub is that it voids the DVD/BD filesystem structure, and you get a 45 minute straight video with al the sequences in order and without repetitions.

The original DVD/BD actually lets you choose between fast asleep and uneasy sleep modes, and a 6 hour or an 8 hour sequence (it does that by looping little segments and camera angles at random intervals, like the Beckham exhibit) and the nightmare sequences and other "special" events are scattered randomly through the night (and sometimes they don't appear at all). At the end of the 6/8 hour cycle she wakes you up.

The idea of the whole thing is that you put the video and watch her as YOU go to sleep, and if you wake up in the middle of the night, she's still sleeping at your side (or in front of you, depending on your TV setup)... I bet many guys are getting early to bed but not precisely to sleep.
What does Hinako dream about!? O_O

Heartless141 Wrote:Well, the problem with the fansub is that it voids the DVD/BD filesystem structure, and you get a 45 minute straight video with al the sequences in order and without repetitions.

The original DVD/BD actually lets you choose between fast asleep and uneasy sleep modes, and a 6 hour or an 8 hour sequence (it does that by looping little segments and camera angles at random intervals, like the Beckham exhibit) and the nightmare sequences and other "special" events are scattered randomly through the night (and sometimes they don't appear at all). At the end of the 6/8 hour cycle she wakes you up.

The idea of the whole thing is that you put the video and watch her as YOU go to sleep, and if you wake up in the middle of the night, she's still sleeping at your side (or in front of you, depending on your TV setup)... I bet many guys are getting early to bed but not precisely to sleep.

Damn, well not actually a big loss for me. Unless I want to fulfill my strange fantasy of sleeping with an anime girl. If I were desperate, which I'm not really, I could import it, yeah?
just get the iso and everything will be swell
Heartless141 Wrote:just get the iso and everything will be swell

Like I said, it's not really a big deal for me and to be caught sleeping with a sleeping anime girl on my laptop next my bed will be very embarrassing.
I had it bad enough before in less extreme conditions Erk

Though I could attempt when I move out of the house. Ahaa
i lasted 2:30 mins, man that was boring
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