Endless Paradigm

Full Version: i need some help
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this is what i have so far.

[Image: sephirothyp.jpg]

heres the source images

[Image: ff7sephiroth.png]

[Image: grungebg1280x1024.jpg]

[Image: victoriangrungewallpapeg.jpg]
uhmmm... state the problem?
Go online and read some tutorials.
it just seems not quite right.
and lunar, i know how to do what i need to, im just looking for ideas, since i think i have a really good vector of sephiroth.
hey that's sephiroth as he appears in dissidia he looks epic there, hm your first image looks a little cluttered hes covered too much by the card suits etc try just going for something simple yet effective?
you know, what you are doing right now is simply put an image on top of another, plus some transparency.

at least try to use brushes, and magic wand/pentool. blend them the stuffs together. (magic wand and some brushes are all i have ever used for half a year. and the crappy sigs i made at that time earned me some real good pokemon xD)
you don't want a 10 seconds sandwich, you want a nicely decorated salad.

go to deviant art, find some brushes you like and think it might fit with the source image. and just sPa/\/\ em however you think is nice. by sPa/\/\ i mean just random strokes. it works.
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