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Heartless141 Wrote:[Image: rg17_01.jpg]
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Yeah, I noticed that too when I saw that scene in railgun.

EDIT: Is me or does index seem taller all of sudden when I'm comparing her to that anti skill 'empress jamie' (double you tee eff) person
Well Railgun 20 has been subbed now.
Let's see how it goes, though the episode preview in episode 19 intended another filler episode.

Let's hope episode 21 isn't a filler.
As for how my re-watching of Index is going, well there's some anime I haven't watched that I want to watch first.
Also I'm hoping for a dub of Index then my motivation to re-watch will be higher.
Sparker Wrote:Well Railgun 20 has been subbed now.
Let's see how it goes, though the episode preview in episode 19 intended another filler episode.

Let's hope episode 21 isn't a filler.
As for how my re-watching of Index is going, well there's some anime I haven't watched that I want to watch first.
Also I'm hoping for a dub of Index then my motivation to re-watch will be higher.

yeah downloading right now... 39.4% 30m-6h (fluctuating.... torrents damb... T.T)

also if they dub it, it better be a good dub...

fuck you funimation...

[edit] I really want to rewatch to aru majutsu no index... so tempting right now...
aspheric Wrote:yeah downloading right now... 39.4% 30m-6h (fluctuating.... torrents damb... T.T)

I'm around 6% only downloading at around 15 kb/s >.>

aspheric Wrote:also if they dub it, it better be a good dub...

fuck you funimation...

Most of Funimation dubs were alright, well from the ones I heard which are Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z (Note: I think only Australia got the Funimation dubs of DB and DBZ while America got 4kids) and Kiddygrade (Not sure who dubbed the studio ghilbi films but I watched all of them dubbed), they might've dubbed some of my other childhood anime but I wouldn't know.

The reason I like dubs is because I can watch and listen instead of watch, listen, read and occasionally backtrack a bit when I don't read something properly. Also when I want to convert an anime onto my iPod Nano I don't have to squint my eyes to read the subs.

I don't have a real preference but subs are good if I want to hear what they were intended to sound like and if the dubs are bad that it pains my ears.
pixar/disney (pretty sure it was pixar) dubbed the ghibli vids

I notice most old anime have way better dubs

though some companies actually do a good job dubbing the last one I remember doing a really good job, shut down... Sadist

funimation does have some okay dubs but i usually get p.o'ed all the time, simply because they do a crappy job on character habits or give characters cartoon voices... Burning or try to pull other poo poo...

also just finnished downloading ^^ so I'll be watching now...

[edit]just finnished watching,
the next few eps are definitely not going to be fillers so don't worry. those will be finding out the problem and solving it.
aspheric Wrote:funimation does have some okay dubs but i usually get p.o'ed all the time, simply because they do a crappy job on character habits or give characters cartoon voices... Burning or try to pull other poo poo...

Hmm, I like I said, out of most of the dubs I heard and can remember, they were okay.
I managed to watch most of Kiddy Grade dubbed, the only voice I found particularly strange or un-suited was Lumiere's one and the pink haired loli that likes to eat cultural dinners and lunches or something like that. The dubbed singing in the opening was actually pretty good as for the end credits, well I never watched them.

I suppose lolis don't get much justice when having their voices dubbed, I remember Shana's dub was pretty bad so I'm kinda worried about Index.

aspheric Wrote:also just finnished downloading ^^ so I'll be watching now...

[edit]just finnished watching,
the next few eps are definitely not going to be fillers so don't worry. those will be finding out the problem and solving it.

That was fast for you to finish, well good to know the next episode(s) aren't going to be fillers.

As for me, I'm still downloading, the speed is varying from 3 kb/s to around a maximum of 50-60 kb/s
Around 24% done now T_T
Unfortunetely animetake posted a ddl for it right after I finished the ep and I was going to tel ya but I guessed that you were already done...

I'm so srry please forgive my foolishness Nanana

if for some chance you are still downloading it and it is below 60% go to animetake.com right now and download the ep...
I had to go out a bit while the torrent was dl'ing and when I came back it was done.
It's alright you didn't tell me.
Well, despite the episode preview in 19, episode 20 isn't a complete filler episode at least.
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