Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Some random thing I wrote ages ago.
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lol I must'ave been so high....haha

My life isn't like
Through hoops.
It's more like

Into holes and everytime I fall into a hole another one appears at the bottom of The hole,
So I keep falling and it's making a cylinder towards China, but then when I reach China I fly into the sky because
Of the gerths earavitational pull and so I get pulled back through the same cylinder And all the way to
The core of the earth, but I keep on going because I've gathered so much speed And I fly right out the other side,
Where I originally started. Then I'll grab on the clouds but they'll slip through my Fingers because they aren't solid.
Maybe if I'm lucky there'll be a plane flying on route to were I am. Something solid To hold onto. Maybe there won't.
Follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole.

Anyway, yeah it is kinda a weird thing you wrote but weirdness can reflect on creativity .
China will build a huge ark to keep you from floating away.
lol @ the random capitals.....I don't know why I did that.

I hope they make an Ark otherwise I'll be doing this forever.....
It's "Hmmm" worthy... Very "Hmmm" worthy...
lol errrrr thanks.......:O

its weird, but not neccesarily bad. i think pspkiller said it exactly right.
COOL! :fkfakjdsfjl
Sounds like you're more on a collision course with a plane.

Look out.

Crushing into one of things would *probably* hurt..
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