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I'm not sure if there's any other asian around here apart from me. but some of you probably know Lunar new year is on valentine for us (it uses a calendar based on the moon's pattern, not the sun like the rest of the world). gonna be busy. visiting relatives, granparents, and people you are close to.

only good part is adults suppose to give children money as a blessing the amount depends on the person. it could be 50 cents, it could be 100 bucks. whatever. they suppose to mean the same thing, so no one can complain about it (>_> except children with fail parenting of course). well, most of my relatives arnt rich, I've never gotten more than 200 bucks before. (some of my friends made like 1k-3k if you ask me ._., only some of em).

japanese have the same thing i suppose, but they use the normal calendar instead of the Lunar one.

sigh, because of this new year thing, my j class is on hiatus till the week after next week.
I'm in dis'pear, this boredom has left me in dis'pear >_>

on the bright side. i don't know if i told any of you yet, but my meatbun so called brother gonna Get the fudge out back to New Zealand next monday. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYayYayYayYayYayYayYayYayYay

on another note, i found my favorite teddy bear yesterday. you can see it in my avatar xD bring back memories.
i am asian, but doesn't celebrate lunar new year, or the jan. 1 new year, well i don't care whatever holidays lol.
my calendar have only work days, and off days.
shrug, i personally don't give a poo poo either. but if i don't join in with the family, i'd be an outcast. and my parent gonna smash me.

it's a new year, so what? >_> it's just another day for me.
* 1-R will not attend this celebration...
good to hear things are all gravy for ya, Khanh

* ProperBritish declares hi fives all round
Never heard of this new year before :o But nice to hear you're alright (more or less...)
ProperBritish Wrote:good to hear things are all gravy for ya, Khanh

* ProperBritish declares hi fives all round

^ that

woop woop!
shet :D the meatbun brother got a laptop when wee came back to Vietnam for "study"
all he does is play games on it :P
and he was stupid enough today to piss my dad off. and now he got it confiscated two days before his departure :D

just like what i said a few days ago when he piss me off(again).

oh man, off to a great new year.
just passed the 00:00 mark.
doesn't feel anything special >_>
This is when you go corn harvesting! :D
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