Endless Paradigm

Full Version: So EP was down for a while./..
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Still no word from the almighty Burger as to a reason?
I'm also working when the site is down yesterday, lol

good that its back again today
I would wonder what wee'd all begin to do if EP was down for good.
maybe ill be working for good? lol ,hope that nots gonna happen :(
Lunar Wrote:cutting myself. =(

This was due to studying. Yay

As for EP i was installing ubuntu 8.04 on my x1. Woo
I think I might have fapped or something...
According to traffic logs, it went down at pretty much dead at midnight.  Dunno why - host doesn't either, funnily enough.  Also the remote reboot function didn't load when I tried.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:According to traffic logs, it went down at pretty much dead at midnight.  Dunno why - host doesn't either, funnily enough.  Also the remote reboot function didn't load when I tried.

Midnight of what timezone are you talking about?

Because it went down way before midnight in my (and your) timezones.

And it seems like some bad stuff happened during that downtime...
Assassinator Wrote:Midnight of what timezone are you talking about?
Server time (US Central or East or West or whatever).
Assassinator Wrote:And it seems like some bad stuff happened during that downtime...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:And it seems like some bad stuff happened during that downtime...

I'll PM you about it.
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