In other news, sony executives stated that PS3 cures cancer.
Hahaha, wow!
It's like the lady that bought the cup of coffee from McDonalds but sued for like $500,000 because It was to.. Mmm.. Hot?? spoon What is this world coming too, that's what I say.
lol i was at mcdonalds a few weeks ago and my brother accidetly dropped the tray full of stuff off the counter and spilled icetea and fries all over
and they didnt even give us a new one :/
now that's harsh.
your brother can't handle a tray huh
Is he "special"?
Microsoft has finally discovered fire. Its a step in the right direction, next they just have to fix windows.
oh this thread is full of laughs
|-Anubis-| Wrote:Is he "special"?
nah, hes just an idiot