I was just looking through old stuff and noticed how long it had been since last online.
Anyhoo I was just hoping everything was well.
While I'm on the subject, what's up with wolf?
No, I haven't heard from Ge inforever. He was actually the one who gave me Senior status :)
Wolf where are you!!?

ge really did vanish.. rumor has it he lurked around by a different identity for a while but then nothing.
As for Wolf - hes a whore.
Haven't seen him in forever. He also lost his position a long time ago.
Haha I remember dasme came back not to long ago and tried selling some M$ keys lulz
using ep to make money tisk tisk tisk
Anyway, Yeah Ge just kinda disappeared. sad
Dunno where he went... >_>
letz hack Ge64 last post, lol
Ge64 Wrote:Hey guys,
I'm off to Australia for a holiday in a few hours
Unfortunately this nickname expires when I turn 18 years old.
This is not the last you'll hear from me.
I luv you!

so maybe he change his username right? lol