Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [DEMO] Stand By Me [LSDJ + Vox]
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demo of my cover of Ben E. King's 1962 song, 'Stand by Me.' I'm sure you all know the song. :)


Instruments: LSDJ
Vox: One of my friends + Compression, and some Chrous'ing
Low Bass: Sine wave at 55Hz. :D

give it a listen, and lemme know what you think. :)


also, ignore it if the vox are a little off time, my rhythm is shit, LSDJ gets out of time easily, and I'm used to using just MIDI, never done much with straight audio. :p
Yea the timing was bothering me a lot. Otherwise this is a pretty good cover/revamp song. ;)
blargh! my rhythm is complete SHIT lol. Because I barely notice. :p

anyway, thanks. :D
fudgeing epic as usual good work man

thanks man. :D
* S7* will listen when he gets home
yay! :D
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