Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Animating wallpapers
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Hi there,

I know for a long time this was not possible and many claimed it was because of the lack of RAM... However with recent posted tutorials on rco animation (which I have yet to try out), I was wondering if it was now possible?

I know about waves over a picture I have done that, and for my current theme I cnt see much of a point animating topmenu_icon other than to make a couple of icons flash, so I haven't bothered. However I making a section of the wallpaper animate would liven up my theme abit.

I am only looking to add some text on that repeats in a small loop of maybe 10 frames

something like the first one on this page. (and yes its for an lcars theme - sorry about the music)
go try my techschyshtems theme if you have not and look at the sytem_plugin_fg.rco :)

I see you have done exactly what I want to do Yay

So although it might take me a few days to figure out the animation script and make it my own I think I can manage it, thanks alot Adore

just to check... you dnt mind me ripping your rco apart and using the code to make it my own? I know theres alot of code thieves around, and I dnt want to be one of them...

P.S. I cnt believe that two of the BEST EVER theme makers have helped me out! When I post on other forums I tend not to get an answer AT ALL! ty e.p! Madwin
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