Endless Paradigm

Full Version: help me pick a moviefilm!
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tl;dr: I'm taking Audio For Visual Media again (class I did the FLCL video for) and I need a movie to do this semester. I was thinking of 9 or Equilibrium, but after what wee recorded yesterday (see end of post) I want to do a futuristic movie, with laz0rs. Halp me find oneeee.

What wee recorded yesterday:

Using a Slinky, a contact mic, and a pen:
Full Recording 1
Full Recording 2
Laz0r 1
Laz0r 2
Laz0r 3

bitch! damn word filter screwing up my URLs. Hahaha
Don't do Star Wars whatever you do.
lmfao, why not?
Because that's the first thing they'll think you're gonna do. Ooooh ah dununnnunooo

well I still need a super awesome moviefilm.

it has lasers




the whole lot
YOu should dub it over a spagetti western or something XD that would be funny :P
ProperBritish Wrote:STRIKE WITCHES

it has lasers




the whole lot

find me a clip to view. :)

one with stuff going on, and not a lot of dialogue. :D

Method Wrote:YOu should dub it over a spagetti western or something XD that would be funny :P

holy spoon win.

I might even do that.
I already told you, War of the Mother Flippin' Worlds!
just an update, I am indeed doing what method suggested; I'm doing a clip from The Good The Bad, and The Ugly, but doing a futuristic sound setting.

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