Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Savedata [SLPS01222]
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Then I played some games with CF Psx 5.50 GEN D3 ...
I used different popsloader to you that the games don't freeze in specific points or directly don't start -.- .... the problem arose when I played by mistake to FFVIII and LOD , and that they had all the game IDs RE2 [ Jap] SLPS01222 who carelessly as I used different LOD pops [3.11] FFVIII [4.01] told me that I had to update the rescue .... since I am suffering syndrome "press x because I'm bored" to see the black screen with the titles of Nobuo Uematsu I converted the save in a save up to date from the pop 3.11 » 4.01 ... the problem is that if wee now load the save LOD disappeared only when I put the pop lod 4.01, sees it ... the prob is that the game then goes a bit too slow and problems with that pop ...

Question: Is there a way to downgrade the save for the older pop? ... Maybe changing some data with some hex editor...

(Sorry 4 the bad english >_<)
hmm can't understand what you say, can you repeat it from the top? :P

anyway the answer to your question is no

reload again pops version 3.11 in popsloader, that's the answer
try a newer pop than 4.01?
SchmilK Wrote:try a newer pop than 4.01?

Already done .... but not working....
for this i asked you if there are any way to downgrade the saves.....>____<

I don't want to start all over again 3 cd's Legend of the Dragoon....  i want to kill myself  -.-
Soft Wrote:i want to kill myself  -.-

at least I can help you in saying - DON'T DO IT!! D:
use the savestate feature in cwcheat
squee666 Wrote:use the savestate feature in cwcheat

I think is the best way......thanks..
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