Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [LSDJ] The Eleventh Pomegranate!
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New LSDJ song. Was attempting to write a happy song, in a major key, but that didn't work out so good, lol. I got the Major key part just fine though. :P

anyway, the name; Couldn't think of a name, so one of my friends started giving me random words, one of them being 'Grandilla' which she thought  meant Pomegranate (lol). So I started trying to add things to pomegranate, eventually settling on the letter 'E' (i.e. EP :p), and decided on 'The Eleventh Pomegranate."

tl;dr: Pomegranates are awesome!


LSDJ + Reverb and Ableton Mastering Suite.


* lembas loves feedback, so give him some. NAO.

lol, is that a good thing?
./xitherun.sh Wrote:lol, is that a good thing?

Lunar Wrote:Interesting...Yay

Lunar Wrote:Not Interesting...Yay

Choose.^ Blingeye

yeah, ok.

I'll listen to it when I get home!

that has to be the most enjoyable 8-bit I've heard in a long time.

the melody was so hypnotic and the dynamic changes throughout the extent of the track kept me listening intently.. but not to a point it frustrated me, it was the sweet spot.

I can't complain cause I don't know what to complain about..

a fresh, delicious song you´ve made here tacticalbread.. and I think its pretty damn awesome.
:D :D :D :D :D :D

thanks a lot man. :D

hheeeey listen to it again, I change the drums(noise channel) a bit, they were kinda boring lol.

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