I have my psp fat/phat right now whit 5.50 gen
Im interesting to buy some new model,but any of this PSPs has small diferences (stupid Sony!
* 2k -more ram
* 3k -new look,but he has "advanced" LCD (psp scanlines) ^^
* go - new design & bluetooth,but he has also smaller LCD & no UMD games
In first i was thinking about 3k,but now...i don't really now what sholud i buy
Maybe u guys tell me what model is best in your opinion.
..or maybe ill whait to upcoming E3 ..and psp4k?

Thanks for vote.
better and still hackable (fully)
2k for the win
but I want to get a 3k because I've fallen in love with the skinny umd door ring it has... though of course I can just switch the umd door I guess...
the only reason two get a psp go is so that you can play monster hunter unite with a ps3 controller. WOOT!
I like how small the GO's are, I almost picked one up the other day, they remind me of cell's...
I love my 3k. Has the nice color rich new screen and exploit of the hen with genc has proven very nice I've the past3 months.
I don't like the size of the go and the need to buy all new games to enjoy it Since there's mo umd :(. And no hen/cfw so no goo themes :(
Assassinator Wrote:2k, because of CFW.
Also, the go sucks because it just simply can't be hacked, if it was; then I wouldve reccommended it.
If only PSPgo hacked. as of now psp3k.
Assassinator Wrote:2k, because of CFW.