Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
look at these they made me laugh (^_^)V
Lol, this rules ;)

i lol'd

nice find kchan ;)
More of them can be found here.
wow omg LOL
Hahaha, seen a few of them before.  Loved this one.
Nice drawing
bah, i drew a Squirtle doing can't touch this dance in my test once. :P it was waay better
and there's this comic below
This is Duglet, a Murderer.
Duglet Murdered the second question.
This is Dugtrio, Mass Murderer.
I wish I could've uploaded my RE (Religious Studies) GCSE paper :P Twas a master piece of explaning the creation story in drawn form :D
I got a B for it too!!! haha
Nice, I once drew Jesus on my test saying "Diego is right, give him a point" and me at the bottom saying "Jesus is the answer!"
didn't work. But got a few laughs out of it.
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