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Full Version: Solutions to watch Blu-ray movies on Mac and WD TV
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Solutions to watch  Blu-ray movies on Mac and WD TV

Not an easy thing for Mac users to play back Blu-ray  movies, even they are your personal purchasing. I’ve summarized three ways that  Mac users have usually used to playback Blu-ray movies as following. Frankly  speaking, the former two solutions seems a little troublesome, personally, I  prefer the last one.

Install Windows

Well, hope the above contents are helpful.
Yeh so true. That was very informative. Thank you for that.

seems kind of lame to use windows
[Image: fail.jpg]
Method Wrote:Yeh so true. That was very informative. Thank you for that.



He's an ad spammer advertising for his chocolatety programs, it's not very informative at all, unless you want to waste $50 for no reason.
The man speaks the truth!
Lol I love Zingas edit!
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