I wanted to know if you guys could see the flash object in my sig. Zinga help me edit the code real quick, but I'm not at a computer ATM so I can't see if it works. Could you guys tell me if it is, and if so what does it show?
Thanks zinga for the help, and thanks to any others who choose to help me.
i have to click it to view the flash object.
omg itsa flash sig D:
Well i can see a myspace window that says that ur are bored of all the work
ProperBritish Wrote:i have to click it to view the flash object.
[ReeD Wrote:]
omg itsa flash sig D:
Well i can see a myspace window that says that ur are bored of all the work
ProperBritish Wrote:i have to click it to view the flash object.
sweet it works muhahaha thanks
is it new that ep supports flash O_O need ... to ... test .... iiiiiiiit!!!!
Object Link

Click here to view flash object
no it's always had it lol
oh... i feel dumb now >_>
Object Link

Click here to view flash object