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Full Version: dayumm that's sum fast internetz
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ProperBritish Wrote:
theEvilOne Wrote:Well I was going to share my speed test, but I have ATT internet and it is so chocolatety that the page won't even load.

Woot for my 1.5kB/s download speed with uTorrent (although upload speed is about 40kB/s :rage:).

EDIT: Got the speed test to work. Feast your eyes, boys and girls, on this sorry excuse for an internetz.

[Image: 688881471.png]

choose a closer server?

Considering I live in San Jose, CA, I don't think that's possible.
distance = ~1350 mi ?
I'm like less than 2 hours away drive from LA and that's just 50-60 miles lol.

ProperBritish Wrote:distance = ~1350 mi ?

I don't know why it says that.
Here's mine
[Image: 688929082.png]
ExBu Wrote:Here's mine
[Image: 688929082.png]

daaaaaayum D:
trademark91 Wrote:[Image: 688652316.png]

i love my schools internet.

can anyone beat my school? (just curious)

What, wee competing on who's school has the fastest internet again?

You can't win bro.

[Image: 437897553.png][Image: 437902341.png]

Completely different speeds depending on which server I pick, so I conclude speedtest isn't fast enough to correctly measure the speed.

[Image: GodSpeed2.png]

Here's my home connection...

[Image: 689189111.png]

And this is on a good day in terms of speed.  

On a bad day, speedtest won't load, the internet pretty much doesn't work, even google takes like 1 minute to load.
[Image: Internet_Gayness.png]

Quite a lot of difference between home and school, isn't there....
I shat a brick...
Unfortunately, my internets is pathetic.
I've yet to download a file at faster than 250 kb/s, and I'm on a unlimited up/down plan.
[Image: 689262853.png]

NZ Broadband = Slowband.
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