Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [MMO] Wonderking
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it's sorta like Maple story, except much better, in every single aspect.
i just started yesterday. anyone want to give it a try?
You would say now...
Im just trying WoW again, and i can't put up with 2 mind blowing wastes of time
roberth Wrote:Im just trying WoW again, and i can't put up with 2 mind blowing wastes of time

lol well said, i can't stand little online rpgs on sites like that. total waste of time.
I'm just trying to kill zometime before all the good games come out in feb. =/
I don't really like playing online and when my sister had it I absolutely hated MS.
So I won't really play this.
Heartless141 Wrote:I'm just trying to kill zometime before all the good games come out in feb. =/

To kill time before:
1> Heavy Rain
2> Dante's Inferno
3> Mass Effect 2

I am currently occupied by:
1> Bayonetta (Xbox360)
2> Dragon Age: Origins (PS3)
3> DotA (PC)
and soon by
4> Darksiders
and hopefully, stock willing,
5> Demon's Souls.

Tl;dr, Don't have much inclination for MMOs
You cold heartless bastards!!

I'll play with you h141 when i have time. Yay
i quit all my mmorpg's already, gave leftover accounts to friends. and earned 1.2k$ selling rose online gold to gold sellers lol.
only pc game left i still play is dota.
friends in philippines said that game is pretty popular though.
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