Wee've almost completed the 16 allocated so the 16th and another 16 more slots are now available to be taken.
You may take another slot if you chose a theme in the first #16 themes.
Already Reserved
SOTW #16 - ProperBritish
SOTW #17 - trademark91
#18 - #32 is available.
Reserve your slot sooner for it to come sooner
i call 16, is that next week or this week
ProperBritish Wrote:i call 16, is that next week or this week
In three weeks.
This is the current schedule:
SOTW 13: This week: andrew_cc
SOTW 14: Heartless141
SOTW 15: Lunar
and now
SOTW 16: ProperBritish
me and andrewcc switch weeks. :)
Lunar Wrote:me and andrewcc switch weeks. :)
so where does that leave me now? is it my week this week...?
andrewcc Wrote:Lunar Wrote:me and andrewcc switch weeks. :)
so where does that leave me now?
week 13/this week
aspheric Wrote:andrewcc Wrote:Lunar Wrote:me and andrewcc switch weeks. :)
so where does that leave me now?
week 13/this week
ahh rite..... thought i was being bumped to week 16.... srry..... it's senseito i pm i take it....? or do i just say in this thread....?
andrewcc Wrote:aspheric Wrote:andrewcc Wrote:Lunar Wrote:me and andrewcc switch weeks. :)
so where does that leave me now?
week 13/this week
ahh rite..... thought i was being bumped to week 16.... srry..... it's senseito i pm i take it....? or do i just say in this thread....?
PM Sensei if you havent already.
* Kana subscribes thread.
ill do another one if that's allright