So, now i live in Ukrain, and if i do tattoo on my hand, and go to USE for ex. will there be any issues in getting job because of tattoo?
sry for ma bad english :3
Nuts) Wrote:So, now i live in Ukrain, and if i do tattoo on my hand, and go to USE for ex. will there be any issues in getting job because of tattoo?
sry for ma bad english :3
don't think many employers will be tolerant of visible tattoos...... though it does depend where you want to get a job.... the best thing would be to find out before you get a tattoo.....
hm. is there any law that forbids them to take me on the job?
Nuts) Wrote:andrewcc
hm. is there any law that forbids them to take me on the job?
i think it's just the fact that the emplyer holds the right to accept you or not for whatever long as it's politically correct that is...... but i think most employers don't like tattoos because they think customers will be offended which i just think is retarded......
so with almost invisible tatto I'll get any probs, thanks for your responce
Nuts) Wrote:so with almost invisible tatto I'll get any probs, thanks for your responce
i don't think small tattoos will matter..... as long as it isn't anything that could be considered offensive
This has got to be among the most random threads in recent time! Serious LOLs!!
If you getting a tattoo, getting it anywhere other than your wrists and face, it is not considered too much of a prob as it can be hidden, if needed.
Also, if you go for a traditionalist-environment (like in say {for example}... government office etc), then its a little issue. But if you go for an entirely art oriented field (like Professional music, art, gaming etc), no one cares what you look like as long as its not naked.
Also, not to mention local customs and trends.
* S7* shivers and runs for the hills
what's the point of a hidden tatoo?
If you think it'll cause problems for you getting a job, don't get it; the thing is you have to like flouting out stuff like that and not worrying what people have to say.
if you are tough enough to tattoo your hand, you should not give a fudge what an employer is going to think. just my opinion...