Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Hearty-chan~!!!
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Pages: 1 2 3
Heartless141 Wrote:This guy is surely a pain in the donkey, by no mean pleasurable. it's not fun on EP with him around. i mean, seriously, most of his posts is all hypocrite sarcasm and joke topic.

i am deeply annoyed. hope he can Get the fudge out my internet soon.

I've been discussing this troll with the other admins and wee were thinking a temp ban because a warning wasn't good enough.
Sparker Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:This guy is surely a pain in the donkey, by no mean pleasurable. it's not fun on EP with him around. i mean, seriously, most of his posts is all hypocrite sarcasm and joke topic.

i am deeply annoyed. hope he can Get the fudge out my internet soon.

I've been discussing this troll with the other admins and wee were thinking a temp ban because a warning wasn't good enough.

finally someone agree with me/.

i think some people are missing the point here
I agree this user is completely without heart.
Temp ban ain't enough wee need a perma ban
his england is also sucked! he ssould be expelled into egypt!
Yea! Can you believe he actually asked people to neg rep him????
He must be some sort of sociopath!
i know. a weird type of E-masochist. a professional one! i mean, he got -9 afterall!
I'm not getting it!

all you need to do, is try to hate this guy as much as you can.
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