Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A.O.I. User Interface Mockup
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Pages: 1 2
Good Work!! Madwin


[Image: troll-web.jpg]
Om nom nom! o3o
Very, very nice mockup.

Now wee need it on an Android ;D

or a Nokia even

Is the font Hobo STD?

Edit: Looks like it... decent font but I'm still in love with Segoe UI. Lulz.
Thanks for the replys so far!^^ Yeah it's Hobo STD and yeah the screen is skinny becaus it's orginally a signature for SOTW Hihi

I might do some more mockups Gongxi

As for actual usage I think I could partially create it on my iPhone Ahaa
nice mock up. reminds me of a psp theme. love to have it!
AOI = blue... intended?
SkyDX Wrote:As for actual usage I think I could partially create it on my iPhone Ahaa

I would help you with that but... I'm lazy...Ahhyes
Yes the aoi = blue was intended and thanks Azumi^^ I would make an PSP theme out of it but my memories of PSP theming are nightmares... is there any dead easy to use Windows Editor by now?^^  
And welcome in the club Aspheric, I'm also lazy as hell 99% of times.... Ahhyes
Gadget Wrote:Good Work!! Madwin


[Image: troll-web.jpg]

I like feeding trolls, it's fun
here's two things you can mod to get you started... (that is... if you feel like doing this at all.)

initsua theme. (clock is moved onto the springboard. same with the date, easily mod-able... because it's in html format.)

iticker (scrolling rss feed... you'll have to figure out how to mod it so that it moves at the right of the screen and sideways...)

if you turn the statusbar sideways using someguys mod... dun remember. then you can't save bookmarks onto your iphone screen, but you can save bookmarks... so it's not all that bad. but i just get rid of my status bar by making it invisible... SCREW THE STATUSBAR! RAWR!!!!!
Pages: 1 2
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